Ronalda Ann I did a post before on me banking with Ally bank. I got this email that they increased their rates recently. When I moved to the US in summer 2015, I did research on bank interest rates and was appalled at how low most banks are. I do need an operating account for my day to day so I chose TD Bank because of their hours, and Ally because of their interest rates. I only use TD to make cash deposits on the rare occasions I need to deposit some cash but I mainly use Ally. They also have pop money where you can transfer money to other bank accounts for free. Banks can charge fees and you have to be careful and watch those. Xoxo Ronnie #islandfrugalista #frugaltips #taken #frugal #savemoney #financialfreedom #priorities #lifesavings #budget #income #savings #freeyourself #blogger #personalfinance #debtfreedom #financialfreedom #moneytips #financialpeace #shopsmarter #goals #savingstips #moneygoals #shopsmarter #saynotodebt #debtreduction #budgetlife #peaceofmind #getcreative #choices #allybank
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